Menofia University

The Fifth International Arab Conference for Quality Assurance in Higher Education at AL Sharjah University.

The Board of the Faculty of Education Menoufia University approved on the


The Board of the Faculty of Education Menoufia  University approved on the memorandum of the Department of Cultural Relations on the Fifth International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the period from March 2 to 5, 2014 at the University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates.

With matter previewed on the Department , where the department of Foundations of Education has nominated both of : -

* Prof, Dr. / Jamal Ali Khalil Al Dahshan ,  assistant Professor, Department of Foundation of Education

* Prof, Dr / Subhi Shaaban Sharaf    , Professor at the department of  Foundations of Education

The Cultural Relations Committee has recommended  the approval on 15/10/2014 on  the nomination, knowing that Prof,  Dr.  / Subhi Shaaban sharaf will travel at his own expense, with sending the  nominations to the university only after getting them acquainted with an acceptance letter and a summary of scientific research and report on the last Conference + cd, as contained in the memorandum.





