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Postgraduate and scientific research

The Council of the Faculty of Science opens the door to enrollment for the second semester in some disciplines

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 The Council of the Faculty of Science has approved the opening of the entry for master's degree in disciplines that have been renewed for the second semester
 Dr. Adel Nassar, Dean of the Faculty and Prof. Dr. Magdi Matar, Undersecretary of the Faculty for Graduate Studies and Research in the Faculty Council held in Tanarik 22/12/2020, agreed to open the door to enroll for master's degree in science in some departments of the college according to the following:

Department of Plant and Microbiology Specialisation (Microbiology)
    Department of Physics Specialty (Geophysics, Theoretical Physics, Radiology)
    Department of Geology (all disciplines)
    Department of Zoology Specialties (Vertebrates, Comparative Anatomy and Embryos)

Note that the application is electronic