Menofia University

225 successful liver transplant at the Institute of Liver , Menoufia University the most recent one for a Palestinian patient

Department of Media


liver transplantation Unit  at the National Liver Institute , Menoufia University revealed that the unit had conducted nearly 225 successful liver transplant operations , most recently for a Palestinian patient was 49 years old from a Palestinian donor in the third decade of life, and that success rate of up to 93%, both in stable condition. This is the third surgery during the month of January.

Where, Dr. Ibrahim Marwan , Professor of liver surgery and bile channels and manager of liver transplant unit at the institute stressed that the operation  which is conducted to Palestinian patient was caused by an inflammation of the liver caused by chronic infection with Virus C. The patient and the donor made medical tests at Department of medical labs at the institute, which confirmed that there is a match between the blood type of the donor and that he don’t have any viral diseases that prevent the transplantation  .

pointing out that the patient and the donor are both in good health and both are still under observation, which usually takes three weeks to two weeks for the patient and donor.

It is noteworthy that ,, the National Liver Institute at the University of Menoufia one of the most important and the most specialized in liver transplant medical centers .


And On the other hand,, the last Reports of the number of visitors of the various Institute Clinics  r(pediatric liver Medicine - esoteric section tumors and Entrveron- surgery) reported the highest rate since the beginning of this year, which range from approximately 350 to 450 cases daily , due to the availability of the human potential of doctors who specialized in the eradication and liver transplant operations on a high level of efficiency, and medical potential of micro-labs, and specialized clinics for all departments of the institute, and operation rooms equipped with the latest equipment for surgery and intensive care 





