Menofia University

"Kidney Health for All" educational seminar at Faculty of medicine , Menoufia University

Department of Media


kidney transplant Unit at the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine , Menoufia University , organized an educational seminar to educate citizens about how to protect the kidneys and preserve its validity under the title of "kidney health for all." under the auspices of Dr. Mohammed Mouawad Kholi President of the University, and Dr. Fouad strange , the acting dean of the college.

Dr. Ahmed Rabee , Head of Internal Medicine Department pointed out that there are nearly 44 000 patients in Egypt  live on dialysis, which costs the state annually about one billion pounds, he also  confirmed that the causes of kidney disease and its rapid spread among citizens due to diabetes disease  and high blood pressure which lead to damage in most parts of the body such as the kidneys, heart, blood, eyes, brain, nerves and blood vessels as well as blockage of the urinary tract stones, enlarged prostate, as well as  taking painkillers every day for long periods, as the kidneys are also exposed to the disease as a result of hereditary diseases and birth defects and immune infection with red lupus or microbial infection.

Dr. Mahmoud Kora , head of the kidney Unit pointed that the seminar recommended the need to maintain the level of blood pressure so that it is less than 80/120 and also to maintain the level of glucose in blood to be  less than 140 mg in addition to refrain from smoking and painkillers unnecessarily and a lot of drinking water and to reduce the weight and the proportion of fat and exercise, especially walking and reduce salt and eat more fruits and vegetables,  he also said that  the unit doctors and members of the faculty  detects and conduct the necessary tests to about 150 citizens from the seminar attendances  as an attempt  for early detection of kidney disease.





