Menofia University

Menoufia University

البوابة الإلكترونية - كلية الآداب - المنوفية


Under the auspices of Prof. Mouawad Khouly Rector
He opened Dr. Moawad Khouly head Menoufia University, accompanied by Prof. Dr. / Ahmed Faraj Nuncio Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research Professor and Dr. / Adel Mr. Mubarak, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs activities of the annual theater festival the current academic year, held in the period from 15/4 / 2015 to 04.30.2015 and that the Great Hall of the Faculty of Law celebrations.
8 which colleges attended by the university, nursing - rights - Trade - Medicine - Engineering - Specific Education -aladab - Science, the festival included theatrical performances of world literature and some local plays and attended by 240 students ,.
On the sidelines of the festival, the university president honored the team of the University Choir, theater and winner scored a second and third at the level of the Republic and the Sharjah Award for the youth of Egypt universities for the academic year 2015.





