Menofia University

Fifteen thousand Egyptian pounds Cash reward for each of doing a patent



University President issued a decision on the award of patent where the text of the decision to give a cash reward of  ( 15,000 )L.E fifteen thousand Egyptian pounds for each of doing a patent from faculty members and ancillary staff and students and to accept the awards committee .

And is required to get the bonus the following: -

    The applicant must be from among faculty members and ancillary staff and students at the University of  Menofia
    To be taken from the patent scientific research applicable
    To be registered patent Arab Republic of Egypt
    Not going to get a patent more than two years

Paperwork required to apply for the award as follows :

    The origin of the patent registered Arab Republic of Egypt
    The approval of the College / Institute
    Summary in Arabic / English to describe a patent (Hard copy  + CD)
    CV of the applicant and personal photo


** Is to manage the progress of scientific research after collecting all the required paperwork and approval by both houses of the department and the college no later than September 30, 2014 AD .






