
A meeting of the faculty members and the assisting body

Dean of the College


Today, Wednesday, 10/14/2020, Mr. Prof. Arabi elsayed Kishk, Dean of the Faculty of Computers and Information - Menoufia University, met with the faculty members and the assisting body
And in the presence of: -
Mr. Prof. Mohi Muhammad Hudhud, Professor Emeritus, Department of Information Technology and Head of the Sector Committee of Institutes of the Division of Computer Science and Information Systems
Mr. Prof. Hatem Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs
Mr. Prof. Osama Abdel Raouf, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development
His Excellency began the meeting by congratulating the attendees on the new academic year 2020/2021
His Excellency discussed some matters related to the academic system, including the hybrid education system and the commitment to start lectures, skins and laboratories from the first day of the study, embracing new students and introducing them to the university system and traditions. He also touched on talking about quality and completing files related to meeting standards and discussing matters related to the affairs of fellow faculty members And the supporting body






