
Home economics ,Menoufia University calls for more precautionary measures and strengthening immunity to healthy food.

Home economics ,Menoufia University calls for more precautionary measures and strengthening immunity to healthy food.

media management


Dr. Sherif Sabri, Dean of the Faculty of Home Economics, pointed out that there are some foods that may reinforce the immunity system against Corona.

As some people become infected with Corona virus and the signs of the disease appear on it, others get infected and get rid of it even without knowing that they are carrying the virus and without showing any symptoms.

The dean of Home economics says that the secret lies in "the immune system", as every human being has an immune system that naturally fights millions of bacteria and viruses daily without person’s feeling. But the immune system is often compromised by our neglect of a balanced diet, and by our neglect of certain health requirements, the body is exposed to viruses and bacteria without proper protection.

Through the video, Dr. Sabri reveals how to protect against the Corona virus "COVID 19" and how to strengthen the immune system of the body by paying attention to increasing some elements in our daily diet.





