
The conclusion of the free "Office" course for children for the children of workers at the college and university levels

Public Relations and Media Officer


under the care of :- Mr. Dr. Ahmed El-Kased, President of Menoufia University Mr. Prof. Sobhy Sharaf, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Under supervision :- Mr. Dr. Hatem Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, Dean of the Faculty of Computers and Information - Menoufia University Mr. Dr. Sherif Saeed Al-Atarbi, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Dr. / Amira Abdel-Aty, Director of the Public Service Center in the college Today, Wednesday, 7/19/2023, the Public Service Center at the Faculty of Computers and Information - Menoufia University concluded a free “Office” course for children for the children of workers at the college and university levels, where 25 cubs, aged between 7 to 12 years, attended, in light of the initiative that It is adopted by the college under the title "The Digital Menoufia University Cubs Initiative" under the slogan "Together we learn and play". We were honored to attend at the end of the course, Mr. Dr. Sobhi Sharaf, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, and he was received by both Mr. Dr. Hatem Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, Dean of the Faculty of Computers and Information - Menoufia University, and Mr. Prof. Dr. / Sherif Saeed Al-Atarbi, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Dr. Amira Abdel-Aty, Director of the Public Service Center at the College Today, the course dealt with practical training for children and an achievement test for the contents of the course In conclusion, Prof. Dr. Sobhy Sharaf, Prof. Hatem Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, Dr. Sherif Saeed Al-Atrabi and Dr. Amira Abdel-Aty distributed prizes to the winning children.

"Wait for us... next week for another program for other groups"












